HoundMan wilderness survival life and tips | dankung.com

HoundMan wilderness survival life and tips

dankung wilderness survival tips

About me

I have deep passion to wilderness survival life and a deep love for the Earth.
When I was 28 years old, I came across an idea or awareness. The complexity of city life drove me crazy. I had been in big city for many years. I realized that I and all people around me, were totally dependent on a complex system of Walmart, polluted roads, cellphone, skyscraper, high power grids, water treatment tree... Human in this system is like the frog in a deep well. I was eager to a natural primitive wilderness life. This is why I begun my wilderness survival life 7 years ago. I didn't escape from city completely. I really enjoy the life in woods and mountains for one or two weeks each month. That rejuvenates my each cell!!
I always take a Dankung slingshot with me besides other tools. Slingshot is a very functional tool for food (by small game, fishing, pick up fruits) and self-defense. And outdoors target practice has great fun!

Get fruits

Cycling and shooting

Automatical fishing tool. Automatically triggered when the fish is hooked.

A very function primitive tool for field survival

A tool for cataching the fish, shrimp and crab.

Water is the top priority for survival. Rough filtering water this way.

A simple shelter made in 30 minutes. keep warm in snow or rain weather
Get food this way. A mrechanisum to catch fish

Smokeless ground stove. Make a 3-channel stove in ground. Smoke goes away from channels.

Tradtional D 'iroquois drill wood to make fire, not easy to get it work.

Make a functional tool for survival.

Fire the top important thing for wilderness survival, this pedal drilling for fire is an easy method, recommened to new users.

Another way to get fire in field.

Make a sling of projecting stone. A primitive and powerful tool for small game hunting.



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